
Careful reading of this privacy agreement is essential, as it describes how we collect, use, disclose, store and protect the personal information of data subjects.

The Privacy Policy of Brasão Rosa, Lda is applicable to any website, application or service that refers to this privacy agreement. Whenever personal information is provided to us, only those strictly necessary for this purpose will be requested, and the collection, storage and use authorization will be accepted for: a) compliance with the contractual obligations we assume; b) legitimate interest for processing (i.e. for internal administrative purposes, data analysis and definition of performance indicators, direct marketing, to maintain backup systems or for the detection or prevention of crime); or c) based on consent, which may be withdrawn at any time as described in this privacy notice.

Brasão Rosa, Lda privacy policy:

Brasão Rosa, Lda guarantees the safeguarding of the right to data protection, which are provided voluntarily by its Data Holder, which will be treated confidentially, under the terms of the Law in force.

All personal data collected on any website, application or service of Brasão Rosa, Lda, are used in order to make our users' visit as effective and functional as possible. We guarantee and ensure the processing of all personal information relating to users, subscribers, customers or visitors who use our website, application or service, in accordance with the new General Data Protection Regulation and, in addition, in its ambiguities, by Personal Data Protection Act of October 26, 1998 (Law No. 67/98).

The personal information collected includes: user name, personal name, e-mail, customer type and code, address, telephone, NIF and or where you carry out your activity.

The use of the website, application or service of Brasão Rosa, Lda assumes the acceptance of this privacy policy. The team at Brasão Rosa, Lda reserves the right to change this agreement without prior notice, providing you with any change that has an impact on the privacy of your data. Even so, we recommend that you consult our privacy policy regularly so that you are always up to date.

By accepting this privacy policy, you are giving your consent for the collection and processing of your personal data made available here, in accordance with the requirements described here and in compliance with the law in force.


We use cookies to store information, such as your personal preferences when you visit our platform. You can disable cookies at any time, in your browser options, or by making changes to antivirus program tools. Not being expected to happen, disabling cookies may interfere with the experience you get with our platform.

Collection and Treatment

Brasão Rosa, Lda, within the framework described above and to the extent permitted by applicable legislation, collects and processes personal data concerning you, which are provided when:

- Register to use our websites, applications or services;
- You place an order through our websites, applications or services;
- Complete online forms (including requests for new contact);
- Participate in satisfaction surveys or fill out forms (eg form to report a problem with your order);
- Or participate in any other possible interactive area on our website, application or service;

Interact with us through social media.

Some personal data are mandatory since they are required in the procedures of the services in use. In each specific case, Brasão Rosa, Lda will inform the user of the mandatory nature of the provision of the personal data in question. The personal data collected is processed by computer and in compliance with Portuguese legislation on the protection of personal data. At any time, you may, at your request, access your protected data and request its alteration or correction, in the event of an error or incompleteness.

Purpose of Treatment

The data collected and processed within the scope of the use of the existing services on the platform of Brasão Rosa, Lda, are intended for the operationalization and satisfaction of the services requested by the customer. The data collected and processed may be used for internal statistical purposes, market research and in promotions and marketing actions. Under no circumstances will the data collected be used for any purpose other than that for which consent was given by the data subject, with the exception of disclosure that may become necessary to comply with a court order or competent authority in the terms of the legislation in force.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, we use your information to:

- Provide any ordering or purchasing information or service that you have requested;
- Manage our relationship with you (eg customer service and support activities);
- Manage and improve customer satisfaction;
- Control, measure, improve and protect our content, website, our applications and services and provide you with an improved and personalized user experience;
- Display targeted advertising, marketing (including device notification messages) or send you information that may be useful to you based on your use of our applications and services;

To the extent permitted by applicable law, we retain information concerning you after your account is closed, if your request for an account at Brasão Rosa, Lda is refused or if you decide not to complete the process. This information will be retained and used as long as permitted for legal, regulatory, fraud prevention and legitimate business purposes.

We may monitor and record communications with you, including email messages and telephone conversations. The information we collect may be used later for the purpose of improving the service and targeted market offer, quality control, to record information about our website, applications and services that you order from us or about which you ask us for information and, in a generally to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

Entity Responsible for the Treatment:

The entity responsible for collecting and processing the user's personal data and determining the purposes and means of processing them is the entity with which the user registered, that is, Brasão Rosa, Lda collects and processes, in this context, the data user's personal data as a contractor, under the terms defined in the legislation in force.

Security measures:

Brasão Rosa, Lda guarantees adequate levels of security and protection of personal data. For this purpose, various technical and organizational security measures have been adopted, in order to protect the personal data made available to you against its dissemination, loss, misuse, alteration, treatment or unauthorized access, as well as against any other illicit form of treatment. In this sense, within the scope of registration, all personal data that the User communicates are stored securely in the systems of Brasão Rosa, Lda, covered by all the physical and logical security measures that were considered essential for the protection of said data.

Employees authorized to access personal data are bound by the duty of confidentiality.

Data Retention Time:

In the absence of a specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and kept only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes that motivated its collection or subsequent processing.

In case of registration and non-activation of the account within 30 days, they will be automatically deleted.

Communication of Data to Other Entities:

Brasão Rosa, Lda, within the scope of processing the data provided, may use third parties to provide certain services, with prior consent being guaranteed, in order to allow access, by these entities, to the user's personal data. When this happens, Brasão Rosa, Lda takes the appropriate precautions, in order to ensure that the entities that have access to the data are reputable and offer guarantees at this level. In any case, Brasão Rosa, Lda will remain responsible for personal data. Under legal terms, Brasão Rosa, Lda guarantees the possibility for the user to oppose the communication of data to third parties.

You have the right, at any time, to request not to be contacted for marketing purposes. If you wish to exercise these rights, you can do so by selecting your contact preferences when you provide us with your information on our websites, applications or services, through any preference center that we give you access to, or by sending us a email message to if none of the mentioned alternatives is available.

Acceptance and Amendment of the Privacy Policy:

The rules of this Privacy Policy complement the provisions, in terms of personal data, provided for in the terms and conditions of use of any website, application or service that refers to the Privacy Policy of Brasão Rosa, Lda.

Brasão Rosa, Lda reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be posted to this Privacy Policy and material changes will apply to activities and data collected in the future. The provision of personal data by the respective holder implies knowledge and acceptance of the conditions contained in this Privacy Policy, so that, by providing their personal data, the user is authorizing their collection, use and disclosure in accordance with the rules defined. on the applicable collection instrument.

Right of Access to Personal Data:

In accordance with the Data Protection Law, the user may change, correct or delete their personal data with Brasão Rosa, Lda, responsible for the processing of personal data.

right to be forgotten

In accordance with the Data Protection Law, if the user (data subject) wants his data to be erased, he must access it through our websites, applications or services, in the “Help” menu, item “Contact” to the form made available and complete and send it. If it is inaccessible, please send an email to Your order will be processed


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